Nylex Turfpro Grass Paving System 500MM (L) x 500MM (W) x 30MM (H)

Nylex Turfpro Grass Paving System 500MM (L) x 500MM (W) x 30MM (H)
- Brand Nylex
- Model: NYLEX-TP
Turfpro is specially designed to support and distribute vehicle loads to the base coarse without damaging the turf surface. A rigid base such as sandy gravel base course is required to receive the loads transmitted through turfpro. Sand is used to fill the cells of turfpro to avoid over compaction and at the same time maintain porosity for air and water movement.
The turf is installed by either sodding, seeding and mulching or hydroseeding. During the initial root development period, application of suitable fertiliser and regular watering is required to encourage rapid propagation of roots for the establishment of a healthy and stable tuf surface.
- Size: 50MM x 500MM.
- Height: 30MM.
- Weight: 2KG.
- Material: Recycled polypropylene.
- Colour: Black.
- Volume void: 27.4L.
- Service temperature: -10C° to +80C°.
- Compressive strength: >900kN.
Turfpro is ideal for fire lane access, parking lots, golf cart paths, horse tracks, courtyards, events staging area and many other applications.
Installation Procedure
- Prepare, compact subgrade and install subsoil drainage as specified..
- Lay crusher run base course as specified and provide compaction..
- Lay 50MM sand levelling layer and place lightweight geotextile separator, if required..
- Install turfpro with the studs facing upwards and join the units together via the interlocking system..
- On steep slopes, turfpro can be further secured by staking..
- Immediately after laying turfpro, spread the sandy soil mix to fill the voids..
- Spray water to provide light compaction and to encourage rooting of the turf..
- Lay half to one inch thick sods on top of sandy mix..
- After laying the turf, use light roller to level the turf to achieve an even suface..
- Protect from traffic, for a period of 4-8 weeks to allow root system to establish..
- Water regularly and apply fertilizer to encourage healthy growth..
- Economical: Fast and low cost installation..
- High compressive strength: The cell structure is designed to provide compressive strength of more than 900kN..
- Lightweight: At 2KG, very high strength to weight ratio compared block system. Simple lightweight with interlock joint system..
- Easy installation: Very fast and easy due to its modular construction..
- Large horizontal void area: Large surface void area of 67% allows water to pass through freely..
- High infiltration: Large surface area of turf reduces surfaces run off by allowing rain water infiltration into soil..
- Durable: Made from recycled polypropolene material which has high chemical resistance and as inert to natural occuring micro-organism, acids and alkalis in soil. It is able to support loads from fire trucks and utility vehicles..
- Zero: No maintenance is required..
- Environment friendly: Can be recycled..
All product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual products may varies in term of size, type, brand, version, colour, and other relevant characteristics.