CMI Skim Coat
DescriptionWater-resistant cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles for both floors and walls for internal applications. It is classified as C1 in accordance to EN12004.It ca..
Description CMI® Render is an environmental friendly, high quality polymer modified cement-sand plaster / render for application on block walls, brick walls, and concrete substrates at in..
DescriptionCMI® Wallskim is a high-quality polymer modified water resistant cement-based skim coat (top coat) for finishing on internal wall and ceilings. CMI® Wallskim can be used on CMI&..
DescriptionCMI® WallSkim 2781 is a high-quality polymer-modified water-resistant cement-based skim coat (top coat) for finishing on concrete walls or ceilings. Specification..
DescriptionCMI® Render is an environmental friendly, high quality polymer modified cement-sand plaster / render for application on block walls, brick walls, and concrete substrates at internal..
Description A high-quality polymer modified water-resistant cement-based skim coat (base coat) for internal rendered, concrete walls or ceilings. It is also good for surface improvement works..
DescriptionCMI® TileGrip 185 is an environmentally friendly, premium polymer modified flexible cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles, homogenous vitrified tiles and stones..
Description CMI® MultiFix 188 is an environmentally friendly polymer modified water resistant cement-based tile adhesive for fixing ceramic glazed tiles, homogenous vitrified tiles and st..
Description CMI® Wallskim is a high-quality polymer modified waterresistant cement-based skim coat (top coat) for finishing on internal wall and ceilings. CMI® Wallskim can be used on..
Description CMI® Base Mortar is a high-quality polymer modified water-resistant cement-based skim coat (base coat) for internal rendered, concrete walls or ceilings. It is also good for s..
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