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Sika Top Seal 109 Polymer-Modified, Flexible, Cementitious Waterproofing Coating 36KG (Part A: 10KG + Part B: 26KG)

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Sika Top Seal 109 Polymer-Modified, Flexible, Cementitious Waterproofing Coating 36KG (Part A: 10KG + Part B: 26KG)

Price in reward points: 104000
  • Brand Sika
  • Model: SK-S109MY
Products Sold: 47
Product Views: 20075
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• SikaTop Seal- 109 MY is a cementitious, two-part, polymer-modified flexible waterproofing coating.
• It is applied to concrete and mortar to prevent water infiltration.


Characteristics / Advantages
▪ Good crack bridging capability (up to 1 mm at +20 °C).
▪ Pre-batched components.
▪ Mixes and applies easily.
▪ Easily applied by roller or brush.
▪ Good adhesion to sound substrates.
▪ Impermeable.
▪ Increased frost and salt resistance.
▪ Decreases carbon dioxide penetration.
▪ Non-toxic, same as cement.
▪ Flexible.
▪ Resistant to freezing and thawing (-10 °C).
▪ Economical.


Product Information
▪ Composition: Polymer modified Portland cement
▪ Packaging: Part A 10kg + B 36 kg set
▪ Appearance / Colour: Parts A + B (mixed) Dark grey slurry
▪ Shelf Life: 6 months from the date of production
▪ Storage Conditions: Store properly in original, unopened, and undamaged sealed packaging, in cool, dry conditions. Keep away from direct sunlight. Protect from rain, condensation, and high humidity.
▪ Density: 1.7–1.9 kg/l (mixed)
Technical Information
▪ Tensile Strength: ~0.7 N/mm² (ASTM D412-06a, Dumbell A test piece)
▪ Elongation at Break: > 100 % (ASTM D412-06a, Dumbell A test piece)
Application Information
▪ Consumption: For bathroom floors, shower area floors and wet kitchen floors, minimum 2 coats at approximately 1.0 kg/m² per coat.
▪ Tensile Adhesion Strength: ~0.8 N/mm² (EN 1542, 20 mm Ø dolly)
▪ Permeability to Water Vapour: < 5 m (BS EN ISO 7783:2011, Wet Cup Method A)
▪ Capillary Absorption: < 0.1 kg/m². h0.5 (EN 1062-3)
▪ Permeability to Carbon Dioxide:
   - > 50 m (BS EN 1062-6: 2002, Method B)
   - Splash zone area of wall with tiles, eg. bathroom wall, shower area wall and wet kitchen wall, 1 coat at approximately 1.0–1.5 kg/m² per coat.
   - All other areas, minimum 2 coats at approximately 1.0 kg/m² per coat. For areas subject to high water ingress, apply a third coat at 1.0 kg/m².
▪ Ambient Air Temperature: min. +8 °C
▪ Substrate Temperature: min. +8 °C
▪ Pot Life:
   ~30 minutes (at +20 °C)
   - Pot life is shorter at higher temperatures. Cover material container when not in use.


▪ Waterproofing, sealing of hairline cracks, and as a protective coating against aggressive elements such as carbon dioxide (for example, in concrete repair work), frost, and de-icing agents.
▪ Areas of application include water tanks, basements, car parks, terraces, balconies, bridges, retaining walls, swimming pools, RC gutters, bathroom floors and walls, planter boxes, wet rooms for example kitchens, wastewater treatment plants, shower room, and laundries.


▪ Whilst the substrate is still damp but free from standing water, apply the first coat by brush, broom, roller or squeegee (if the surface is flat enough), working the material well into the substrate to achieve full bond.
▪ Allow 4–8 hours (+20 °C) for the first coat to cure before applying the following coats in the same manner.
▪ For large areas, SikaTop® Seal-109 MY can be applied by spray using a suitable worm type mixer / pump.
▪ An additional stripe coat is recommended over cracks, wall / floor intersections, etc. as these locations are where movement is most likely to be expected in service.


Important Considerations
▪ Never apply more than 2 kg/m² of SikaTop® Seal-109 MY in a single layer.
▪ For better keying, a bonding coat is recommended using a mixture of SikaLatex®, cement, water and fine sand. For details, please refer to our SikaLatex® product data sheet.

Product Data Sheet (PDS).pdf


Approvals / Standards
▪ Singapore Green Label: 022-085-2370 "Eco-Friendly Building Material”.