Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair General Purpose Shrinkage Compensated Patch Repair Mortar 25KG

Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair General Purpose Shrinkage Compensated Patch Repair Mortar 25KG
- Brand Sika
- Model: SK-MNT222
• Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair is a cementitious shrinkage compensated mortar designed for all general purpose patch repairs.
• It requires only on site addition of water to produce a high strength, shrinkage compensated mortar that is non-corrosive, non-oxidising and free of chlorides and nitrates.
Characteristics / Advantages
▪ Non-bleeding and non-segregation.
▪ Shrinkage-compensating.
▪ High early compressive and flexural strength.
▪ Non-corrosive and non-toxic.
▪ Chlorides and iron free.
▪ Pre-mixed to eliminate site variations and errors.
Product Information
▪ Packaging: 25 kg bag
▪ Shelf Life: 6 months from date of production
▪ Storage Conditions: Store properly in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions. Keep away from water, rain and direct sunlight.
▪ Appearance / Colour: Grey powder
Technical Information
▪ Compressive Strength: > 40 N/mm² (ASTM C109:2016a)
Application Information
▪ Mixing Ratio: 3.6–4.5 L of water per 25 kg bag
▪ Fresh Mortar Density: 2100 kg/m²
▪ Yield: ~0.014m³ / bag
▪ Pot Life: ~30 minutes at +23 °C
▪ Initial Set Time: > 1 hr (BS EN 196:3:2005 + A1:2008)
▪ Final Set Time: < 4 hrs (BS EN 196:3:2005 + A1:2008)
▪ Patching of joints between precast and structural components
▪ Repairs concrete structures and pre-cast components, e.g. damaged corners
▪ Patch repairs to vertical, soffit and flooring concrete surfaces
▪ Filling concrete cavities in electrical, piping and airconditioning works
▪ Securing foundation and anchor bolts, pipe clips, sanitary wares, etc.
▪ Repair concrete conduits, drains, etc.
▪ Surface irregularities repairs including exposed aggregates, joints between new and old concrete, protruding steel, tie-rod holes in formwork concrete, etc.
▪ Use a steel trowel to apply the mixed material onto the repair area.
▪ If the area that needs to be rectified is congested and cannot be reached with a trowel, use hands (wearing gloves) to push the pasty grout against the substrate and then trowel to a smooth finish.
▪ For application of joints between adjacent precast components, ensure that the material covers the joint spaces thoroughly.
▪ For horizontal joints, the subsequent precast component should be laid onto the grout within the pot life after mixing, depending on ambient temperature and conditions.
Curing Treatment
▪ Immediately after finishing, exposed area should be thoroughly cured with wet hessian or curing compound, e.g. Sika® Antisol®.
Important Considerations
▪ For surfaces subjected to high abrasion, Sika Monotop®-412 MY should be used as repair mortar.
▪ Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair should not be used on smooth concrete surfaces. Thorough roughening of the surface will be required.
▪ Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair should not be used for pouring or pumping into formwork. Kindly refer to SikaGrout® range.
▪ Cement or admixtures should not be added to Sika MonoTop®-222 Patch Repair.
▪ Once the mix has begun to set, do not add water.
▪ Refer to the Method Statement for Concrete Repair using Sika MonoTop® system for more information regarding substrate preparation.
▪ Avoid application under direct sun and/or strong wind.
▪ Apply only to sound, roughened and well-prepared substrate. Do not add additional water during the surface finishing phase as this will cause discoloration and cracking.
Formerly Known As DAVCO GROUT 280 ECO